Bearon Crypto Api
Explore Tokens

Web3 API Infrastructure for the Community

Web3 API should be free. Get access to thousand of token data and price from reliable sources. We do it for you, so you can focus building your main product.

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Unified Token API

The Best Token Data Aggregator, FREE for everyone

Why spent thousand of dollars to get token information such as token price, popular token, token stats, and many more. We do it for you by aggregating data from reliable sources such as CoinMerketcap, Coingecko, CEX, and many more.


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Unified RPC Provider

RPC Aggregator, No More Public RPC and Rate Limit

Stop wasting your time implementing RPC fallback and pay hundreds of dollar to RPC provider. We utilize hundreds of idle server and multiple RPC provider to provide the best experience out there.

Unified Wallet Portfolio

Wallet Asset Monitoring from 100+ Chains

Maintaining and monitoring wallet assets should be as easy as getting a girlfriend. Our API aggregates wallet balance from 100+ chain.

SASS Should Be FREE and Accessible

Bearon Studio is the first company that unifies SASS Experiences. We are providing services such as tech consultancy, code as a service, crypto API, web3 Vault aggregator, and many more

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